The Americas Program Needs Your Help

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We know that you–our readers–are a diverse group of concerned citizens with intellectual, ethical, professional and personal ties to Latin America. And we’re asking for your support.


For just $10.00 a month ($120.00 a year) you can become a member of the Americas Program.  Our members are the lifeblood of the program; in addition to receiving new articles and the weekly e-zines, you get these added benefits:

Free Webinars with our staff writers, contributors and partners from throughout the hemisphere. Listen to the latest, ask questions and discuss major issues—once a month, without charge.

Monthly Summaries of developments on one or more of our major issues: Drug War, Immigration, Ending Gender-Based Violence, Building Autonomous Movements, etc.

Sustaining Members:

($200 and up) receive all of the above PLUS:

Weekly summary of major news and reports on your preferred issue.

One live lecture by Laura Carlsen on one of our major issues

Institutional Members:

($250) receive all of the above PLUS:

Specialized curriculum guides on our major issues.

Special Projects: For information about special projects, to send comments and suggestions, or just drop us a note about why you support the Americas Program, please write

Or make a single donation by paypal (below) or by sending a check to:

Center for International Policy – Americas Program

1717 Massachusetts Ave. NW,
Suite 801
Washington, DC 20036

Your donations are fully tax-deductible. The Center for International Policy has been awarded four stars from the Charity Navigator so you can be sure that your money goes directly to the important work at hand.



Latin America will be all feminist!

March 8, International Women’s Day (IWD), serves as a barometer of the strength of feminist and women’s movements, especially in