Author: Raúl Zibechi

Paraguay's Hour of Change

April 2008 brings presidential elections for Paraguay. For the first time in 60 years the Red Party may find itself thrown out of the presidential palace. Thus will begin the long desired

The Inevitable Decline of the American Empire

In the course of his visit to the Southern Cone of South America, the American sociologist Immanuel Wallerstein spoke on one of his favorite subjects: the end of the United States’ hegemony—which,

Creating the Bases for a New World

The largest social movement on the continent, and one of the most important in the world, held its 5th Congress in mid-June 2007 in Brasilia. Despite successful mobilization of masses of people

Bank of the South: Toward Financial Autonomy

The launch of the Bank of the South is an ambitious and strategic gambit in regional integration, one that could result in a truly regional development bank. Despite Brazilian concerns, this new

Chomsky, Touraine, Petras: Opinions on the South

On both the right and the left, First World academics usually dispense analysis and forecasts, critiques and apologies on different socio-political aspects of Latin America. Among those that align themselves on the

Ecuador’s Prolonged Instability

Ten years ago political and social instability came to Ecuador with the sudden emergence of new actors organized in a strong indigenous movement. These actors actively opposed the entrenched elites that have